Search engine results reveal what the majority of people think about handkerchiefs. I used to be a bit grossed out by them, but now I am a proud hanky user. They take a bit of getting used to but I haven't looked back to my 'crumpled tissue in pocket' days (or heaven forbid - loo roll). If you have a particularly bad cold and are out and about you should probably use a pack of tissues and throw. For bad colds I only use my hanky at home and carry it with me in case of occasional sneezes and sniffles (say entering a warm room from the cold), tears of heartbreak and joy and wiping sticky donut jam off hands or if I'm lucky, birdshit off head. So in honour of the humble hanky I am making my own using my 'Scalene' design on cotton.
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AuthorLover of pattern and colour. I create my own designs, products and paintings. Archives
October 2020